
WP Cerber Security 5.1

New features

Anti-spam and anti-bot for contact and other forms. Cerber antispam and bot detection engine now protects all forms on a website. It’s compatible with virtually any form. Tested with Caldera Forms, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Ninja Forms, Formidable Forms, Fast Secure Contact Form, Contact Form by WPForms.

As usual you can set up exceptions for a given IP address or IP network or any combination of them by adding them to the White IP Access List. Know more: Using IP Access Lists for protecting WordPress.

Minor changes

Portuguese of Portugal translation has been added, thanks to Helderk.

Bugs fixed

A user with admin account is unable to approve comments with pending status in the WordPress Dashboard.

Wonder what WP Cerber got in the previous version?

Review the release note for WP Cerber Security 5.0.

How to install WP Cerber on your WordPress

Enable automatic updates or install WP Cerber if you do not have it on your website.

Have any questions?

If you have a question regarding WordPress security or WP Cerber, leave them in the comments section below or get them answered here: G2.COM/WPCerber.

I'm a software engineer and team lead at Cerber Tech. I started coding in 1993 on IBM System/370 and today software engineering at Cerber Tech is how I make my living.

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