WordPress Security

Migrating from Limit Login Attempts

Protect your WordPress with the most reliable, secure and powerful plugin

If you have Limit Login Attempts plugin is installed on your WordPress and now you are ready to switch to more reliable, secure and powerful solution, you can do it in two easy steps.

  1. Install WP Cerber Security from the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Activate WP Cerber Security.
  3. Deactivate the Limit Login Attempts plugin.
  4. Done!

It’s easy, isn’t it? That’s because WP Cerber Security works out of the box and imports all settings you have made with Limit Login Attempts. Know more why WP Cerber Security is the better alternative to Limit Login Attempts.

WP Cerber is 100% free and open source WordPress security plugin. It is available for download from the wordpress.org plugin repository. The plugin works out of the box and will start protecting your WordPress immediately after activation. Installation of the plugin in details.

Have any questions?

If you have a question regarding WordPress security or WP Cerber, leave them in the comments section below or get them answered here: G2.COM/WPCerber.

I'm a software engineer and team lead at Cerber Tech. I started coding in 1993 on IBM System/370 and today software engineering at Cerber Tech is how I make my living.

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